Many sisters have themselves fooled, even those who say they practice submission to their husbands. Do not be easily convinced if a woman says, "Yes and Amen" to certain Biblical questions about submission that therefore she is a submitted woman.
The same goes for the brethren, all Christians. As Paris Reidhead said in one of my favorite sermons...
"And so it wasn't long until it got to our generation, where the whole plan of salvation was to give intellectual assent to a few statements of doctrine. And a person was considered a Christian because he could say, "Ah hah" at four or five places that he was asked. If he knew where to say "Ah hah", someone would pat him on the back, shake his hand, smile broadly, and say, "Brother, you're saved!" so it had gotten down to the place where salvation was nothing more than an assent to a scheme or a formula, and the end of this was that salvation was the happiness of man, because humanism has penetrated." -Ten Shekels And A Shirt
Just as Humanism has penetrated The Church, Feminism has also penetrated The Church. Aren't we supposed to test the spirits? 1 John 4:1. Aren't we to judge them by their fruit/actions? Matthew 7:16.
Why I say... Beware of covert rebellious women! Even if this rebellious woman is your own self. As I speak to my own shame I have been guilty before of trying to be my husband's conscience. And he lives righteously! Even if I fail my test as a wife, my prayer for you dear sister reading this would be that you would succeed in your test. 2 Peter 1:10, 2 Timothy 4:7-8, 1 Corinthians 9:27. May we stand in agreement upon God's standards for us as wives for we have no excuse.
I know that even though women are the weaker vessel spiritually, there are Christian couples where the wife has come to the narrow road of sanctification while her husband remains spiritually indifferent; whether he be lukewarm or outright sinful. This variant doesn't really matter, as I am speaking to sisters to correct themselves of patronization of their man whether he be lukewarm or outright sinful. It doesn't matter. He is disobedient either way before God. Your husband may even be living righteously and works hard, but you still persist to patronize him.
Many women who do genuinely come out of lukewarmness to repentance and sanctification by grace are quickly once again snared up by their flesh and spiritual superficiality. A woman soon becomes puffed up by pride and superiority. She may not even realize it. She can say, "Yes and Amen" to submission in everything to her husband, yet she subtly undermines him.
She honestly thinks she is helping him. After all, she is his help meet. That is what you tell yourself, don't you? You justify your own self by your own genuine concern for your husband's salvation. I do not question your concern. I know you love your husband. I sympathize, I truly do, but please hear me when I tell you that you are chasing your own tail and you are chasing your husband away. Your greatest heart's desire is to have your husband be a righteous, zealous man of God that leads you and your children.
I have seen so many women in tears for their husband's salvation and those with genuine urgency. When people come to the narrow road... They quickly learn that "Thou shall not judge" is a cop out taken out of context of Matthew 7:1-5 and that warning a sinner of their sin is true love. Ezekiel 3:18-19. Rebuke is love. Proverbs 27:5. It is the love we are to have towards our neighbor. Leviticus 19:17-18. So wives try to love their husbands with rebuke. This is where things go wrong.
I do not take away from this glorious and timeless truth that rebuke is love. What I want to bring to light though, is the women who suffer and are being led astray by this truth being twisted. These women are souls who are growing, they understand sanctification and they have spiritual eyes to see their husband's lukewarmness. What these women cannot see though because they are the weaker vessel is that in her unbridled zeal she goes forth and takes the role of spiritual headship in her home. This is the snare of the devil.
After all, Satan convinced Eve to chase after bettering her own self spiritually and she then went to convince her husband Adam.
She thinks she is helping her husband by "encouraging" him to be better. She thinks she is "convicting" him and planting seeds by her subtle rebuke. She thinks she is being his help meet by "motivating" him to read his Bible more, to pray more, worship more, attend church, etc. etc. etc. She probably even says how she wants him to lead her and their children.
Please do not continue to fool yourself. You are not loving your husband with your subtle rebuke. You are not convicting him. You cannot force him to believe and be disciplined. You are and will end up chasing him away. Stop right now from thinking that him leaving is you being hated for Christ's sake. Matthew 10:22.
You can not be hated for Christ's sake if you haven't done God's will by being you a "spiritual" nagging wife. You are not encouraging him to be better; you are tearing your husband down. Instead of his trusted wife... Proverbs 31:11-12. You are his greatest critic. You are belittling him. You are patronizing him.
1 Peter 3:1-2 ~ "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear."
Why do you effortlessly try and toil to win your husband to salvation by your words? Fear the Lord. Proverbs 8:13. He has directed your steps and told you what to do to win your husband. Yet you doubt and do not trust God, ye of little faith.
Because of your lack of faith you try to take matters into your own hands. You are trying to take control... Even worse in all seriousness you are trying to take over God's role and be your husband's headship. You're trying to be your husband's conscience. You're trying to be his Holy Ghost.
Who in the Bible wanted the role of the Most High? Satan Himself. Isaiah 14:14. The father of lies... The father of rebellion. Do not follow in the footsteps of rebellion. Follow the footsteps of your Heavenly Father Who's feet were pierced for you.
You are making your husband feel worthless, hopeless, discouraged, unmotivated, not good enough, not needed, not appreciated, out of place, insecure, inept, incompetent, etc. etc. etc. I do not justify his own sin/lukewarmness, but sister, you need to love your husband how God has instructed you as a wife to love him. If you expect your husband to be the husband God wants him to be than I suggest you stop being a hypocrite and start being the wife God wants you to be.
Stop patronizing and attacking your man's ego. A man will do great things with a wife that supports and respects him. Build up your husband. That is how you are a great help meet and have faith God will do the rest. John 16:8, 1 Corinthians 3:6.
You plant seeds by your conduct, not your rebukes. You're husband is lukewarm, but he is not stupid. He has seen your spiritual growth and he doesn't need to be intimidated by you anymore than he already is. Do not lose your humility! Practice fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23. Stop patronizing and deceiving yourself that your patronization is encouragement. A wife's encouragement is not tearing down! It is building up!
Proverbs 14:1 ~ "Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands."
Are you a wise woman or a fool? Repent! You are tearing down your husband with what you think is spiritual encouragement for him to be better. You make him not even want to try because you patronize and look down on him with your spiritual superiority that you understand sanctification and Bible verses and you pray a lot and worship a lot all while he works overtime to provide for you and your children. Then you get caught up in personal convictions of spiritual superficiality to make yourself feel even more superior. Repent of your pride.
It's embarrassing and shameful for a woman to be stronger than her husband. Don't think that it is sexist for your husband to feel this way. If you think so that proves your underlining feminism that is still in your heart. Deborah was a judge and this was to the shame of the men of Israel. What did Deborah do? She built up the men! Not nag them to death.
"Why don't you ever read your Bible to teach me and the children?"
"You're supposed to be my headship."
"You should worship and pray more, honey."
"You used to be zealous or at least I thought you wanted to serve God."
"Why don't you spend more time with God, me and the children? Don't love money. It doesn't matter."
"We should forsake everything and become missionaries by faith."
"Have you ever thought about loving me spiritually instead of just carnally with the flesh and temporal things? I'm thirsty for spiritual things!"
"I've decided to give up makeup, jewelry, everything to please God. How has your walk with the Lord been doing?
"You never talk about God with me."
"Why won't you pray or read with me? I want you to lead us. The Bible says you're supposed to lead me."
"It's time for church. We'll be late if you don't get dressed. You're supposed to be zealous."
Let me convict you... Have you said or thought these things? I ask because if you have said them you really have been tearing down your husband. If you have thought them, I worry that your husband notices your prideful look of how you know better than he does. You disrespect him by looking down on him, even if just in your heart. You are what you are by grace, so I pray you not forget that. 1 Corinthians 15:10. Be humbled in fear that you are blaspheming God by trying to do God's role in your husband's life. Titus 2:5.
Please stop undermining your husband. You know better than to usurp authority in correcting him. Trying to change him. Trying to control him. You are not his headship.
1 Timothy 2:12 ~ "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
1 Corinthians 11:3 ~ "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."
Your prayers for your husband are in vain if you are not submitting, referencing and truly encouraging your husband by building him in all appreciation of him as your man. I say this all in love, dear sisters. I pray you apply yourself.
Proverbs 11:22 ~ "As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion."
Be blessed & stay sanctified,