January 26, 2015


It’s that time of year again. They tell us, "Flu shots, get your flu shots…" No, thank you! Forget what they say, have some common sense, an open-mind and do what you think is better for your health after reading this article...

Did you know that 51 studies were done involving 260,000 babies from 6 to 23 months found NO EVIDENCE of the shots even able to protect them? How long have flu shots been around? Yeah, I think it’s about time we knew if they were effective or not. We’re just the government’s guinea pigs. Babies and pregnant women who receive their flue shots are actually more likely to have that baby be autistic.

Did you know these flu shots LOWER the immune system? If you don’t believe me why are there children within days of getting vaccinated come down with runny noses, skin infections, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, neurological disorders?

As for the elderly it has been proven that if you received a vaccination 3 to 5 years you have a 10x greater chance at developing Alzheimer’s than people who didn’t get their flu shot. Also to mention, as we get older our immune system weakens so an older person getting a flu shot could lead to sad consequences.

There are thousands of medical journals stating that the flu shot can lead to serious health problems for it causes harmful immunological problems and many other kinds of infections occurring.

Did you know that flu shots contain mercury? Sad point to make, but it is truth. Mercury is known to be dangerous to the human body and the amount of mercury in a flu shot is way higher than the maximum allowance. Mercury causes oral problems, respiratory problems, cardiovascular, ADD, depression etc, etc, etc. I will not go on with this list. Perhaps mind control techniques, with having these behavioral disorders after getting a flu shot, it makes me suspicious. Point is, having this heavy metal in your blood stream can cause SERIOUS health problems. It as well contains detergent, strains of flu viruses and formaldehyde. I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t want that in my body.

But why would the people pushing these vaccines still push them with the knowledge they're bad for human health? Money, greedy people who plan on making millions, if not billions of dollars. The ACIP plan is financial gain in immunizations. Think about it, who is making lots of money to produce thousands of vaccines to be injected into the populace?

Call me a crazy, paranoid, conspiracy theorist, I don’t care. All I care about is my health and the health of my loved ones. Government isn’t keeping tabs easily on me or injecting me with foreign substances that endanger my health. What’s next? Before we know it flu vaccines may be law like rabies is for animals. My ferret had a reaction to his vaccines, and my dog never acts healthy, not lively after receiving his, but if you don’t get these vaccines for your pets and they are caught the government can take them away from you, and if they bite someone they will be euthanized.

It is much safer to rely on natural remedies to protect you from the flu. It’s because of money that public officials want and why they don’t teach us natural methods to benefit our health. If you do get your flu shot, get lots of vitamin C into your system, it is highly effective in neutralizing the toxins of mercury. Along with many other natural health benefits.

So now as we come to the end of January, I hope you will be denying your flu shots. Be aware of Big Pharma. Flu season is from October to February, so wash your hands and avoid those flu shots. God bless.

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