November 12, 2015


My last article was exposing the Feminist Movement which was used to get children into the School System at younger ages, now I will show you what kind of indoctrination the Public School System is trying to do to your children... This will be only a brief overview...

Teaches the lie of Evolution, Big Bang, Age of the Earth, etc. and completely leaves out any possibility that the earth and mankind was created by God. Any mention of Creationism is rewarded with persecution. Kent Hovind was being imprisoned for 9 years on false charges when in reality all they wanted was to keep him locked up for exposing these lies. 

Giving assignments to do book reports on Feministic books, and there is activity books such as the one in a Florida School that is filled with blatant Satanic Symbolism. 

Some Schools are now having children practice Yoga as exercise. Yoga is seen as a harmless technique being nothing more than benign physical exercises which condition the mind and body. It has come in under the guise of stress reduction. In truth, it numbs your soul. But the fact remains that even physical yoga is inextricably united in the whole of Eastern Spirituality. Yoga was introduced by Hindu's Lord Krishna in the Bhaghavad Gita as the sure way to Hindu heaven. In one of the most authoritative Hatha Yoga texts, the fifteenth-century Hathayoga Pradipika, Svatmarama lists Lord Shiva, (one of Hinduism's most feared Hindu deities, called “The Destroyer”) as the first Hatha Yoga teacher. Shiva is addressed as Yogeshzuara, or Lord of Yoga. Yoga is really demonic. Read more here:


Common Core is not only an inefficient way of teaching math, but it actually has wicked intentions. Just on a secular level, it makes a generation of parents who learned how to do math differently, unable to help teach their children math. 

Cursive Writing is not even being taught in Public School anymore. Signing our names is very necessary in life, when we buy things, get credit cards, passports, etc. 

Being removed from many schools. Where are classes to prepare them for life? (Cooking, gardening, housework, etc.)

Jamie Oliver has exposed how unhealthy cafeteria food is. 
But then we have Michelle Obama's Healthy Lunch Program being forced upon us. 

Ontario is moving Sex-Ed to 1st Grade, children that are only 6-years-old. LGBT propaganda... Teaching children to question their gender. I thought homosexuality was genetic? If so, then why do I have to question my gender if we're either born homosexual or not. Can't change genetics, can't question genetics. Guess what... Because there is no gay gene. And that's scientifically proven by studies of genetically identical twins, one twin being homosexual, one being heterosexual. Alfred Kinsey is one to blame for our Sex-Ed Class... 

Let's face it, school shootings have been on the rise in the last decade. Mothers... We are called by God to be housewives and raise our children in Holiness, the reason the Feminist Movement was started was to, #1 Tax women. #2 Have children enroll in school at younger ages. They want to indoctrinate your children. Raising them as heathen.

If you don't know that vaccinations are bad for you and your child's health, read this:

Many children have been taken away from their parents because the child was not vaccinated and/or for being home-schooled. Get a good lawyer. Christian persecution is here... and becoming worse. 

Proverbs 22:6 ~ Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

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