July 13, 2017


I know it has been quite some time since I last had a blog entry... My priority is first to my husband, home and then to my church. My, oh my! I have learned and matured a lot through pure experience. It has been a stressful time to have had to deal with two Delilah's, Pharisees and women that do not accept they are the weaker vessel. They profess with their mouth they are a weaker vessel but when it comes to respecting authority they think they are the discerning one in their own self-righteousness, whether it be sin or thrown around with every wind of doctrine creating chaos. No headship or desire for headship. I've truly been grieved to where the women of God are? Men of God as well, of course... Though, I as a woman want to have a sister to say a zealous, "Amen!" to submission with. I've grown even more cynical and cautious with my heart at this point in my life though.

Feminism is a poison that has sunk into the veins of the majority of Christian women that I am meeting. More than I ever thought how deeply ingrained Feminism is in the minds of women not only in our society, (that is to be expected) but women in The Church... Which proves they are not part of The Church. You cannot be a Feminist and a Christian. I am righteously angry and zealous to step-up to write more directly to women to bring this refinement and understanding that needs to come to Christian women. In my future posts I will be writing to women. I am a young, Christian wife... I know I'm not an elder that has the right, and I count myself the least of many elder sisters in the Lord that I look to, but I want to be a young example in my generation that a young woman can and needs to reject feminism and submit. Standing upon God's timeless truths. This is my heart.

With that said, though the enemy has come against me, I was amazingly blessed to be encouraged by reading, "Created To Be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl for the first time. This book has lifted discouragement and doubt off of me. I was zealous about submission before I read this book, but now I feel even more zealous, if that is possible. This book is an essential to every wife, if you are a wife than you need to read this book. Now, I don't agree with the Pearl's on doctrines such as the Godhead and other things, but when it comes to a woman's role, I cannot agree more. Everything is spot on timeless, fundamental, Biblical truth.

Not to mention the balance in dealing with any type of husband in many situations; it really proved to me that no one can speak against such wisdom; there is nothing no Christian woman can say against this book when it comes to arguing Biblically. Giving women the pure heart of submission to have discretion, with no room for the flesh, just pure discretion and wisdom to understanding the order of authority.

With all honestly, whether you are a woman with a marriage on the rocks or you are a wife that wants to understand submission or a woman that understands and applies submission in your life... No matter who you are... You need to read this book as a wife. When I picked up this book I was the wife who understood and applied submission, even I, got hit with conviction to be better a few times. Happily accepting conviction, amazed, blown away with such truth that couldn't be denied. No room for the flesh if you are a woman of God truly seeking His Will for your life.

With that said, I will leave 50 quotes, yes 50, from this book that you need to read and you need to go buy this book for your own collection. Fifty quotes doesn't touch the surface; the testimonies and long teachings of dissecting Scripture that you will receive. It truly is a blessing as you cannot find these teachings in our Feministic Society easily. I'd honestly buy you the book if you are a sister with a heart that is truly seeking for God to be glorified with you and your marriage. This book will convict you and set you on God's narrow road for a Christian wife. Do not hesitate and please read it!


Be blessed & stay sanctified,

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